Recall: Get your dog to come quickly + happily when called

Sillhouette of a small dachsund-like dog running and leaping

Do you want your dog to come when called, quickly and consistently? Having a strong recall is essential for safety. We all want to be able to call our dog away from a situation that is risky; whether it's a busy street, an aggressive dog or a person who does not want to interact with our dog. Practicing recall strategically will make it much easier for your dog to come when called in a challenging real-life situation. Here are some step-by-step tips to strengthen your dog's recall: 

1. Start with a new recall word

Start with a new recall word - something you don’t already use in training or every day life - think novel and silly if you want- BINGO, PARTYYYYYY, DING DING, SUNSHINE

2. Build positive feelings

We want to build a strong emotional response to this new word. Your dog isn’t being asked to do anything yet, you’re just creating an automatic positive response in your dog. They hear the word, they are happy. This word predicts really good things.

  • Sit or stand in front of your dog

  • Say the word

  • Feed your dog an extra special food item. By extra special, we mean something they find truly delightful. We want STOKED level response.

  • Repeat many times over the course of a couple of weeks

3. Encourage movement

Start saying the word at increasing distance from your dog, and move away from your dog while saying it. It is likely that your dog will start moving to where you are when you say the word. Moving away from your dog vs standing still facing them makes movement towards you more likely too. When your dog moves toward you, deliver the special food item.

4. Add a little Distraction at Home

When your dog is consistently moving towards you when you say the word at home (low distraction environment, short distances), start adding in low level distractions. This may look like: low value food on a nearby table, attention from a family member, or a family member holding low value food or a toy.

Sillhouette of front view of a small dachsund-like dog running with paws up and ears flapping

5. Take it Outdoors

When your dog is consistently moving towards you when you say the word at home - even with your added low level distractions, start practicing outdoors. Work with your dog on a long line in a low distraction setting (no dogs, people or other excitement near by). Continue to gradually add distractions when your dog is successful.

More Tips

Don’t repeat your recall cue. If your dog isn’t responding, try getting closer, reducing distractions or asking your dog for a different behavior. Your dog may be too distracted, and repeating the cue will contribute to the recall word losing meaning to your dog.

Use a happy, high-pitched, silly voice when calling your dog. It’s about making your dog delighted to come when called, not using volume or intimidation in tone.

Think BIG and SPECIAL when rewarding recall. If you want your dog to be over the moon when you call them to come to you, be generous and creative in your reinforcers. Each dog is unique. Have fun figuring out what our dog thinks is the BEST THING EVER - roast beef, plain yogurt, the toss of the frisbee?

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